The ICC ( International Chamber of Commerce) has classified these Incoterms depending on the mode of transport used by companies. The classification is presented below:
Rules for any mode or modes of transport
EXW: Ex Works (factory)
FCA: Free Carrier (free carrier)
CPT: Carrier paid to (transport pays up to)
CIP: Carrier and insurance paid to (transport and insurance paid to)
DAP: Delivered at place
DPU: Delivered at place unloaded
DDP: Delivered duty paid
The appropriate transport types to apply these Incoterms are air or surface (excluded sea), even when several types of transport are used (MULTIMODAL).
Rules for sea and inland waterway transport
FAS: Free alongside ship
FOB: Free on Board
CFR: Cost and Freight (CIF)
CIF: Cost, insurance and freight
These Incoterms will be the ones that need to be used when the point of delivery and the place to which the goods are transported are ports.