Shipping Containers

A container is a meant for sea cargo or inland waterway transport, terrestrial transport and multimodal. They consist in sealed units that protect the goods from the weather. They are manufactured in accordance with ISO (International Standarization Organization), specifically, ISO-668. That is why they are also known under the name of ISO containers. The containers can be used to carry bulky or heavy objects: engines, machinery, small vehicles, etc., or palletized goods. Less frequently, they carry cargo in bulk. The dimensions of the containers are standardized to facilitate handling.
The containers are made mainly made of steel cut, however, in some cases they are mode of aluminum and plywood reinforced with fiberglass. In most cases, the floor is wooden, although there are some made of bamboo already. Inwardly they have a special anti-moisture coating to prevent moisture during the trip. Another defining characteristic of these containers is the presence, in each of its corners, lodgings for twistlocks, which allow them to be hooked by special cranes and held by lashes to both ships and trucks.
The first containerized transport happened on April 26th 1956. The man in charge was Malcom MacLean, who traveled from New York to Houston.